For astronomy enthusiasts, the spring sky has a unique appeal as it presents an opportunity to marvel at captivating celestial phenomena. This is due to the positioning of the Milky Way, which appears closer to the horizon during this season, facilitating clearer views of deep astronomical entities.
In this article we are going to tell you what constellations can we see in spring and how you have to see them.
What constellations can we see in spring
With the imminent arrival of a new season, the constellations that dominate the winter sky gradually move westward, leaving room for the spring constellations to take center stage. In this comprehensive article, I will provide you with detailed information on the most sought-after constellations that will grace the coming months, along with a captivating exploration of the most impressive deep sky objects.
In the northern hemisphere, prominent constellations that grace the sky during this particular season include the Great Bear, the Mountaineer, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Hydra. The big bear, a constellation that remains visible throughout the year, it has the distinction of being the most famous and easily identifiable constellation in celestial space. As the season progresses, the sky assumes its majestic reign from above.
The constellation known as El Boyero can be easily located by following the curved path created by the stars in the tail of the Big Dipper. This path will take you directly to the brightest star in El Boyero, which is called Arthur. It is worth noting that Arthur is not only the brightest star in El Boyero, but also the fourth brightest star in the entire sky.
The constellation Cancer, symbolized by the crab, is surrounded by Gemini, Leo and Hydra. Although not as luminous as its celestial counterparts, Cancer captivates with its stellar groupings, particularly the cluster M44, also known as Manger. This star cluster is important due to its proximity to our planet, making it one of the closest open clusters in the cosmos.
The constellation Leo can be found between Cancer and Virgo. To locate it, simply fix your gaze on the brightest star in this constellation, Regulus. From there, imagine an inverted question mark shape, also known as a Sickle, extending downward from the star. This region represents the majestic mane of the celestial Lion.
La Virgo constellation It has the distinction of being the second largest constellation in the night sky. Within its celestial borders, Virgo is home to numerous objects listed in the Messier catalogue, along with the notable Virgo cluster, which we will delve into later. Within this constellation its most prominent star, Spica, shines brightly.
The Hydra constellation, known as the largest in the celestial sphere, features a solitary luminous star called Alphard. In particular, there is a group of five stars that create the distinctive shape of a snake's head. However, the remaining stars within this constellation pose a greater challenge to observe.
Spring triangle
One of the celestial formations that can be observed in the night sky is known as the spring triangle. As its name suggests, the spring sky does not contain a constellation, but rather an asterism. This formation is made up of the stars Arthur, Regulus and Spica.
Astronomers have designated spring “galaxy season” because of the clear visibility of galaxies in the night sky. Located approximately 60 million light years away, the Virgo Cluster stands out as an exceptional group of galaxies, with a staggering number ranging between 1.000 and 2.000. Within this cluster, the largest and most luminous galaxy is M87, making it remarkably accessible for observation, particularly through the lens of a telescope.
Another celestial object worth mentioning is the Sombrero galaxy (M104), which is characterized by its luminous central region. Another notable cluster that can be observed during the spring season is the Leo Cluster. Within this cluster, we find the renowned Leo Triplet, formed by the galaxies M65, M66 and NGC3628 (also known as the Hamburger Galaxy). Although all three galaxies are spiral in nature, their appearances differ significantly due to the different angles at which their disks are tilted.
Within the constellation of Ursa Major, there are two neighboring galaxies that deserve our attention: M81, also known as the Bode Galaxy, and M82, commonly known as the Cigar Galaxy. These celestial wonders are easily observable through a telescope and, in exceptionally favorable circumstances, can even be observed with binoculars.
Galaxies visible in spring
While there are numerous galaxies visible in spring, including some big names like the Whirlpool galaxy (M51) and the Pinwheel galaxy (M101), we've chosen a few that are relatively easy to observe.
It is important to note that the visibility of galaxies can differ significantly depending on the size of the telescope's aperture, our specific location, and atmospheric conditions at night. Galaxies, being the least luminous objects, They are particularly susceptible to the effects of light pollution and atmospheric transparency. To fully appreciate them it is necessary to have access to exceptionally clear and dark skies.
To conclude our guide to the spring sky, we have chosen a different category of celestial entities that are easily observable.
Other observable celestial objects
The star cluster known as M44, also known as El Sebre in Spanish. When we talk about the constellation Cancer, we have assigned a name to this famous open cluster. While it is visible to the naked eye, it appears as a simple blurry spot in the sky. To fully appreciate its intricacies, we suggest using binoculars or a telescope.
Located in the constellation of Canes Venatici, adjacent to the Boyero, is this cluster called M3. It stands out as one of the most expansive and luminous globular clusters visible in the heavens. This celestial wonder can be easily observed using a telescope or a pair of high-quality binoculars.
Mizar and Alcor are two celestial bodies that are often observed together. These two celestial bodies reside within the constellation Ursa Major and are visible to the naked eye. However, Without any optical instrument, only one of them can be discernible. However, when viewed through a telescope, additional revelation awaits. And Mizar is actually a binary star.
I hope that with this information you can learn more about what constellations we can see in spring.