What is perigee? Characteristics and its impact on Earth

  • Perigee is the closest point of the Moon to the Earth in its elliptical orbit.
  • During perigee, stronger tides known as spring tides occur.
  • Supermoons occur when the perigee coincides with a full moon, increasing its size and brightness.

What is perigee and its characteristics

The cosmos is full of curiosities that can leave us breathless. Among them, the movements and precise positions of the stars offer us fascinating phenomena, such as the perigeeThis increasingly common term raises questions about what it means and how it affects our environment. From the appearance of the Moon to the tides, perigee is a fundamental concept in astronomy.

In this article we are going to tell you what is the perigee, its characteristics and differences with the apogee and other astronomical terms. In addition, we will explore the effects it has on planet Earth, as well as associated phenomena such as supermoons.

What does perigee mean?

apogee and perigee

The term perigee refers to the point in an elliptical orbit at which a celestial object is closest to Earth. This concept is generally used to describe the orbit of the Moon, although it can also be applied to other celestial bodies orbiting our planet.

The Moon, not following a perfectly circular orbit, has a distance from the Earth that varies constantly. When it is in the perigee, is located at an approximate distance of 363.300 kilometers. This point is opposite to the apogee, which is the moment of greatest distance, reaching about 405.000 kilometers.

Differences between perigee and apogee

El perigee and apogee are opposite points within the elliptical orbit of the Moon (or any celestial object around Earth). Their key differences include:

  • Distance to Earth: El perigee marks the shortest distance, while the apogee, the eldest.
  • Appearance of the Moon: On perigee, the Moon appears larger and brighter due to the smaller distance, a phenomenon known as superluna. En el apogee, the Moon appears smaller and less intense in brightness.
  • Gravitational Effects: In the perigee, the gravitational attraction is more intense, which generates higher tides, While in the apogee, the tides are less intense.

The impact of perigee on tides

One of the most notable effects of perigee is its influence on the tides. When the Moon is at its closest point to the Earth, it exerts a greater gravitational force on the oceans, producing spring tides more pronounced. This phenomenon can last several hours before and after the exact moment of the perigee.

These higher tides They can be significant in coastal areas and, although they do not represent a danger in most cases, they could amplify the impact of storms or coastal flooding when they coincide with adverse weather conditions.

What is a supermoon?

A superluna occurs when a full moon coincides with the perigee. During this event, the Moon may appear up to a 14% larger or with a 30% brighter than at their average point. As impressive as it may be, the difference in size is difficult to perceive with the naked eye without clear points of comparison.

The supermoons They often generate a great deal of media interest. Although the term may sound modern, it simply refers to the combination of two astronomical phenomena: perigee and the full moon. This phenomenon can occur several times a year, depending on the position of the Moon in its orbit.

The lunar orbit and its peculiarities

La lunar orbit is not fixed; it changes slightly due to the gravitational influences of the Sun and other planets. This affects both the exact position and distances of the perigee and apogeeOver a period of 5.000 years, for example, the exact calculated distances can vary considerably.

In practical terms, the average distance of the perigee ranges between 356.000 y 370.000 kilometers, Whereas the apogee can vary between 404.000 y 407.000 kilometers.

Related phenomena: How does perigee affect the Earth?

perigee moon

While perigee has a noticeable impact on tides and the perception of the Moon's size, its influence is not limited to these aspects alone. Some studies have explored the possibility that the increase in gravitational attraction may slightly influence geological phenomena, such as earthquakes o Tsunami, although there is no conclusive evidence to support this idea.

What is a fact is that the supermoons and perigee They generate great interest among observers, both amateur and professional, due to their visual beauty and their impact on our environment.

El perigee It is an astronomical phenomenon that not only stands out for its scientific relevance, but also for its visual spectacularity. From the supermoons until spring tides, this orbital point reminds us of the connection between celestial movements and the events we experience on Earth. Understanding it allows us to appreciate even more the wonders of the cosmos and its impact on our daily lives.

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