What is beyond the Universe

What is beyond the universe?

The concept of the size of the universe, whether infinite or not, has been a topic of discussion for centuries. It is important to note that when we refer to the Universe, we are specifically referring to the observable universe, which encompasses everything that has emitted light and reached our planet. However, many people wonder what is beyond the universe.

Therefore, in this article we are going to tell you what the theories are about what lies beyond the universe and what is known about it.

What is beyond the universe

origin of the universe

The question of the size of the universe, whether it is infinite or not, has long been a topic of reflection. It is worth noting that all typical discussions about the Universe belong to a specific region known as the observable universe, which encompasses all celestial objects whose light has reached Earth. But is there something that lies beyond the observable universe? And if so, what is there and how vast is it?

The set of galaxies and various formations that we can currently see from Earth is called the observable universe. These celestial bodies are within our sight because the light and other signals they emit have traveled through space and reached our planet since the beginning of the universe. The observable universe is commonly understood to take on a spherical shape, with the Solar System located at its core.

It must be clarified that we are not the focal point of the universe. If we were to pick any galaxy within the observable universe and pick a solar system within it, we would find that this solar system would also occupy a central position within its own sphere.

Furthermore, it is crucial to note that the expansion of the universe is not due to galaxies moving away from a central point in space. Rather, it is the result of the stretching of space itself, leading to an increase in the distance between galaxies in all directions.

Due to the fact that all galaxies are constantly moving away from each other without a shared reference point, perception will inevitably lead to the belief that they are at the center of the universe, and that the remaining galaxies appear to be the ones in motion. distancing themselves.

Extension of the observable universe

What lies beyond the observable universe?

Determining the dimensions of the observable universe is a relatively simple task. By measuring the distance from Earth to the outermost point, we find that it extends just over 46 billion light years. As a result, Its diameter can be estimated at approximately 93.000 million light years.

The question that may arise is this: with the universe being 13,7 billion years old, how can its radius not equal that, considering the impossibility of anything exceeding the speed of light? The reason for this is the absence of a crucial ingredient that was discovered in the previous century: the expansion of space.

It has been discovered that the universe has been undergoing expansion since its beginning. Initially, this expansion seemed to slow down until about 5 billion years ago. However, since then it has been accelerating at an increasingly rapid rate, which we attribute to the enigmatic force known as dark energy.

What lies beyond the observable universe

worlds like earth

However, what lies beyond the observable universe, which extends across the staggering figure of 93.000 billion light years? The true size of the entire cosmos remains a mystery.

According to the principles of special relativity, it is established that objects that are very close to each other are incapable of exceeding the speed of light. However, this law does not apply to objects located at great distances, since the expansion of space itself allows exceptions to be made.

To clarify, the objects in question do not actually exceed the speed of light. Instead, It is the expansion of the space between them that is responsible for their notable separation, reaching speeds so immense that the light emitted by one object will never reach the other.

Curiously, this phenomenon does not violate any cosmic regulations. While the speed of light serves as the maximum speed for objects passing through space, it places no limitations on the speed at which space itself can expand.

Taking into account the accepted theory of cosmic inflation, it is evident that the unobservable universe exceeds the observable universe by a staggering magnitude of at least 1023 times.

In essence, our perception is limited to a tiny fraction of the vast expanse of the universe. But what lies beyond our observation? What does this unexplored territory of the universe look like?

It is very likely that outside the limits of the observable universe there exists a realm that reflects what we see within it: a vast expanse filled with galaxies, black holes, quasars, pulsars, stars, planets and more.

Expansion story

At the beginning of the XNUMXth century, the predominant belief among cosmologists was that the universe extended infinitely. However, this perspective changed with the emergence of the notion that the universe resembles a soccer ball.

Let's consider Earth as an excellent example. It is universally recognized that the Earth is a spherical entity with finite boundaries. However, if one embarks on a journey in any given direction, unless he decides to stop his progress, he will perpetually advance without ever reaching an end.

Sometime, we will inevitably return to the same place, although at a different time. The concept behind our universe is that it has the characteristics of a finite and unlimited sphere. Consequently, if one were to traverse space endlessly, one would eventually return to one's initial starting point, assuming that the perpetual expansion of the universe does not impede one's progress.

If one were to embark on a journey across the vast expanse of a finite but limitless universe, continually moving in a straight path aboard a spaceship, one would eventually, after a considerable lapse of time, inevitably reach the edge of the universe and would find they return to their original starting point, while maintaining a constant trajectory.

The concept presented aligns perfectly with the widely accepted theory of the Big Bang, suggesting that the shape of the universe could possess this particular geometry. Considering the beginning of the big bang and the subsequent expansion of the universe, It is not illogical to assume that despite its immensity, the observable portion suggests that the universe is not infinite.

Regardless of whether or not the true extent of the universe is known, it is important to remember that we will always be confined within our observable universe, which can be finite or infinite.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about some of the theories about what lies beyond the observable universe.

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