Why don't we see the curvature of the Earth?

the earth is not flat

With our unaided vision, humans cannot discern the curvature of the Earth. The truth is that our view is limited to a tiny fraction of its vast expanse. Many people have asked Why don't we see the curvature of the Earth? and this is one of the reasons why there are people who think that the earth is flat.

In this article we are going to explain to you why we do not see the curvature of the Earth and what are the reasons why we know that the Earth is not flat.

Why do we see the curvature of the Earth

Why don't we see the curvature of the earth from the ground?

Our world is not perfectly spherical, but rather has a subtle oval shape, although this curvature is not visible to the naked eye. When capturing an image next to the ocean, the horizon appears as a straight line, causing some people to mistakenly conclude that the Earth is flat.

The knowledge that the Earth has a spherical shape has been established for more than two millennia. It was the brilliant scholar Eratosthenes who, even in the absence of satellites and space travel, was able to calculate its circumference. Today, with the help of captivating photographs showing the stunning blue planet, we have further confirmation of this fact.

To explain the phenomenon that humans do not perceive the curvature of the Earth, it is necessary to consider the great difference in scale between an individual and the planet itself. Our physical presence occupies an incredibly minuscule portion of the Earth's total dimensions, spanning a circumference of 40.075 kilometers and a diameter of 12.742 kilometers.

No matter where we are, the curves remain invisible to us. Even in the rare circumstances of a clear horizon, such as in the open sea, our line of sight is limited to a few kilometers.

At the Leibniz University of Hannover, Dr. Dietrich Zawischa presents a compelling example that provides a unique perspective on the relative sizes of the planet and its inhabitants.

Example to explain why we do not see the curvature of the Earth

Why don't we see the curvature of the earth?

Explaining the phenomenon, he describes a scenario in which an individual finds himself on a solitary island in the middle of the immensity of the ocean. From this vantage point, the observer captures both a 360° panorama and regular photographs, all of which represent the horizon as a perfectly straight line. This optical illusion is a consequence of the immense size of the Earth, which makes the slight curvature of the water surface imperceptible to our senses.

Additionally, it is important to note that the retina of our eyes is not flat and as humans we naturally turn our eyes or head in the direction we are looking. As a result, our viewing experience is similar to that of a panoramic image. This implies that even if the Earth were reduced to just one thousandth of its size, the curvature would hardly be perceptible to us.

To put it concisely, the curvature of the planet is so great that to the naked eye it appears to be a perfectly straight line. Our limited field of vision allows us to perceive only a tiny fraction of the Earth's extent, resulting in the illusion of a flat horizon.

From what altitude is it possible to observe the curvature?

When we are in a port and we have the opportunity to witness the arrival of a ship, our initial vision will be the top of it, followed by the emergence of the sails and, finally, the hull. This observation, from the point of view of the surface, It represents perhaps our closest encounter with tangible evidence of the Earth's curvature.

If you are lucky enough to undertake a trip by plane or rocket, mathematical calculations suggest that at an altitude of 10.000 meters, the curvature of the horizon measures 0,056º, although it may be barely perceptible. However, once you exceed 15.000 meters and reach 20.000 meters, the curvature becomes clearly noticeable.

Reaching an impressive altitude of 21.330 meters, surpassing the heights reached by commercial airlines, is the famous Lockheed U-2 spy plane. Passengers lucky enough to experience this aircraft had a remarkably unobstructed perspective of the Earth's curvature, rivaling that of astronauts.

Reasons why the Earth is not flat

flat earth

The idea that the Earth is not flat and has an elliptical shape is based on a series of observations and scientific evidence accumulated throughout history. Although in ancient times the belief in a flat Earth was maintained, various discoveries and scientific advances They have contributed to the understanding of the true shape of our planet.

One of the most fundamental arguments comes from the observation of the shadow cast by the Earth during a lunar eclipse. When the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, the shadow it casts on the Moon is always circular. This phenomenon would indicate that the Earth is spherical, since any section of a sphere that intercepts light uniformly will cast a circular shadow.

Additionally, throughout history, explorers and sailors have observed that as they move north or south, the stars in the night sky change position. This phenomenon, known as the variation of stars according to latitude, suggests that the Earth's surface cannot be completely flat, since the apparent position of the stars changes depending on the location of the observer on the Earth's sphere.

The physics of gravity provides another crucial clue. Gravity acts uniformly in all directions from the center of mass of a spherical object. If the Earth were flat, gravity would not act consistently, which would affect the way objects fall and move on the Earth's surface.

Observing the shape of the Earth from space has also provided visual evidence. Satellite images and space missions have clearly shown that the Earth has a spherical shape. Additionally, precise measurements of Earth's gravity and global topography confirm our planet's generally spherical shape.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about why we do not see the curvature of the Earth.

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