Astronomy is the branch of science that studies the stars, their positions, and why they move. Study the composition, position and movement of the so-called celestial bodies in order to draw conclusions about how they affect the Earth. Planets and their moons, comets and meteoroids, interstellar matter, dark matter systems, gas and galaxies are areas of study of this science. The astronomy books They are an excellent tool for those who want to start in the field of study of this science. These works offer a wide range of insights and benefits that can enrich our understanding and appreciation of the universe around us.
Therefore, we are going to tell you which are the best astronomy books to get you started in this world.
best astronomy books
Learn astronomy with 100 practical exercises
It is a book that has 100 practical exercises to introduce astronomy. This is a straight to the point book, with no padding or unnecessary embellishment. Whether you're looking at the sky with binoculars, a telescope, or with the naked eye, with this guide you'll learn important basics, such as finding Polaris in the sky.
You will learn to distinguish stars from planets, observe binary stars, what are meteorites and comets, etc. In addition to observation tips and resources, it includes a catalog with instructions for observing the main celestial objects. One section focuses on the materials needed for astronomical observations: types of telescopes, filters, mounts, and other accessories.
astronomical curiosities
Astronomy is a wonderful science, but when you start learning, you may find many concepts complicated or difficult to understand. That is why it is important that someone explains them to you in a pleasant and easy way for anyone to understand.
The author is Jose Vicente Diaz, degree in physics, master's degree in astronomy and astrophysics, and master's degree in remote sensing. This man has created a manual for beginners on all the most interesting topics related to astronomy: planets, exoplanets, comets, meteors, stars, black holes...
Sky Guide 2023
This series is a classic that is updated every year. Sky Guide 2023 includes all Lunar Eclipses, Solar Eclipses, Meteor Showers, and Lunar Phases for this year. But it is not only about ephemeris, it also includes very interesting information for novice astronomers. In nearly 60 pages, you'll learn about:
- Know the planets in the sky and you will understand why they apparently move
- Basics about the Moon: Phases of the Moon and visibility throughout the month
- Tips for Observing Meteor Showers
- The main constellations and their observations at various times of the year.
Every year, it becomes a true sales success for its simplicity, clarity and immense utility.
The Universe in a Cup of Coffee: Science and Simple Answers to Cosmic Mysteries
It is not a guide to the sky, you will not learn to choose a telescope or distinguish the Cygnus constellation. It is a bit broader in scope and is a very different astronomy book.
It is a guide to human history and its relationship with astronomy. From prehistory and Egyptian civilization, to Galileo, Newton and Einstein. Black holes, the size of the universe, the age of galaxies and the Big Bang theory. Everything is done in a fun and accessible way.
Astrophotography is within everyone's reach. All you need is an astrophotography telescope, a DSLR camera, and a guide like this one. Astrophotography is the ideal guide to learn how to photograph the sky. It fully illustrates and explains how to capture images of different celestial objects such as constellations, meteorites, comets, eclipses, etc.
You'll learn everything you need to know to take stunning photos of the Moon, planets, sun, nebulae, and galaxies. This is the best guide into the fascinating world of astrophotography, and it's easy to understand and apply. You will be able to take incredible photos of the sky with all the indications it gives.
Observe the sky with the naked eye or with binoculars
Seeing the sky with the naked eye or with binoculars is a guide from the Larousse publishing house. It explains in a simple way how to orient yourself in the sky and how to identify the main constellations, stars and planets. It also covers basic astronomy concepts such as the phases of the moon, solar eclipses, the sun and the constellations that can be seen at each time of the year.
It has two large pieces, one dedicated to viewing with the naked eye and the other to binoculars. He also offers some tips for choosing binoculars and tips for using them correctly. Includes sky maps, photographs, and schematics to help you better understand the geography of the sky. This is the perfect guide for beginners.
A practical guide for the amateur astronomer
The Practical Guide for the Amateur Astronomer could not have made the contents of the book more clear from the title. This is a theoretical and practical introduction to astronomy for beginners. Solve all the problems they face people who want to start astronomical observation from scratch. Provides resources on choosing telescopes, binoculars, and how to use them.
It explains very interesting and useful topics such as:
- Installing a telescope with an equatorial mount
- How to observe the planets
- Tips for observing the sun
- Basic techniques of lunar and planetary astrophotography
This is a complete guide that covers all the basic topics to get started in astronomical observation.
other astronomy books
These are some astronomy books that can help you learn more about this science:
- Carl Sagan's Cosmos: This popular science classic has inspired generations of astronomy enthusiasts. In an engaging and accessible style, Carl Sagan explores the fundamental concepts of astronomy and invites us to reflect on our place in the universe.
- Brief history of Stephen Hawking's time: In this work, renowned physicist Stephen Hawking presents the key concepts of astronomy and theoretical physics in a way that is accessible to non-experts. The book offers a fascinating insight into the evolution of the universe and the mysteries that remain to be solved.
I hope that with this information you can learn more about astronomy books and how they can help you to learn more about this science.