La Black moon It is an astronomical phenomenon that is not well known and therefore is not frequently referred to. However, in recent times, this term has gained popularity among various groups such as social media users, astrologers, and followers of the Wiccan religion.
In this article we are going to tell you what the Black Moon is, its characteristics and importance.
What is the Black Moon
The Black Moon is a phenomenon in astronomy that occurs when there are two new moons in a calendar month, and the second new moon is known as the Black Moon. It should be noted that this is a rare event, as Black Moons occur only once every few years. The Black Moon is not visible to the naked eye, since its position is in front of the sun, making it difficult to observe. However, this fact can have an impact on tidal patterns and astrological practices.
The Moon goes through a lunar phase in which none of its surface is illuminated and cannot be observed either day or night. However, two to five times a year, the New Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, causing a solar eclipse. The New Moon, or a fraction of it, becomes visible in the sky as a silhouette in front of the Sun.
It is crucial to consider the complexity of the term “Black Moon,” as it It is essentially a distinctive iteration of the astronomical New Moon, also known as new moon. Although there is no visible distinction in the sky, the differences are found in the calendar. This event is related to the new moon and is not a regular phenomenon during the solar year. However, it is a consistent aspect of the astral movements of the universe, although with a less frequent periodicity.
What is the cause of this phenomenon?
The Black Moon is a term that has been used infrequently, and when it has been used, it has been used to refer to various events related to the New Moon. The definition of Black Moon is not simple, since it has been used to describe the following phenomena.
Black Moons refer to the second New Moon that occurs within the same calendar month. These events occur every 29 months and are quite frequent. However, the specific month in which a Black Moon occurs may differ due to different time zones. For example, the United States experienced a Black Moon in September 2016, while the United Kingdom observed it in October of the same year.
Black Moons are a little less common as they occur during the third New Moon of a season that has four New Moons. These Moons occur once every 33 months. Astronomers classify the year into four seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn; Each season usually has three months and three New Moons. However, if a season has four New Moons, the third is known as a Black Moon. This is comparable to the definition of a Blue Moon, except for the fact that a Blue Moon refers to two New Moons occurring in the same month, which is the opposite phenomenon.
It is rare for a month to go by without a New Moon, but it occurs once every two decades. The month of February is the only month that can live a month without a New Moon, since it is shorter than a full lunation. When this happens, January and March have two New Moons each, which is not the norm. According to this definition, the next Black Moon is expected to appear in 2033, since the previous one occurred in 2014.
Black Moon Cases
It is important to note that the timing of Black Moons is affected by time zone differences, meaning they may not occur. For example, while The westernmost regions of the United States will experience a Black Moon in 2022, Europe and Australia will not.
It is rare that there is no full moon in February, and it occurs only once every two decades. This results in January and March each having two full moons during that year. The next Black Moon, which follows this definition, will occur in 2018, the previous one having taken place in 1999. It is important to note that this phenomenon is influenced by time differences.
The Great American Eclipse occurred on August 21, 2017 and was caused by a Black Moon. This unique combination of events has generated interest among both astronomers and the public. The total solar eclipse associated with the Black Moon was visible from the east coast to the west coast of the United States. Hence it was called the Great American Eclipse.
magical meaning
For people who adhere to pagan religions and those who believe in the amplification of certain actions, the appearance of Black Moons has significant meaning. They consider that this lunar event enhances the potency of specific practices.
The Dark Moon, also known as the Black Moon, It is a symbolic representation of deities that have a darker aspect in certain religions and mythologies. Examples include Lilith, who is from the Judeo-Christian tradition, and Kali, who appears in Hindu mythology.
During the XNUMXth century, Astrology has linked the Black Moon with Freud's concepts about the unconscious mind. This is due to the belief that the Dark Moon represents the deepest level of human repression in individuals.
Continuing within the realm of astrology, the Black Moon is often associated with Lilith.. However, this connection is made with reference to a hypotheticalca second moon that Earth could possess, instead of the real moon we know exists. It is worth noting that there is no concrete evidence to support the existence of a second natural satellite of our planet.
I hope that with this information you can learn more about the Black Moon and its characteristics.