High temperatures are rarely accompanied by anything good. They can cause extreme weather eventsHow the hurricane increases due to the water temperature, greater droughts, aggravation of fires, etc. However, also there is a relationship between the higher the temperatures and the mortality rates.
For everyone there is a risk. Activities or jobs that can be done outdoors are also very dangerous. How the case to be regretted by the 54-year-old man who died 2 weeks ago due to the heat wave while performing asphalt tasks in Morón de la Frontera. But there is a group of people who, regardless of the work they do, are more susceptible to the effects of high temperatures.
Who and how does it affect?
On a physical level, we find the elderly, people with cardiovascular, respiratory or diabetic conditions. It has been proven that not only exposure to high temperature is responsible, but also the length of time it persists, prolonged high temperatures. On a day with high temperatures, the percentage of deaths rises 4% compared to the estimated average. 2 days with high temperatures, deaths rise to 10% the next day, and to 22% on the third day. In children under 1 year it rises to 25%, and doubles if they also have respiratory, digestive or cardiovascular conditions.
On a psychological level it also wreaks havoc, for a relationship was found between suicide rates and heat waves.
Looking back at the records, we find the great heat wave that hit Europe in 2003. There were 35.000 more deaths than expected.
Remember the importance of staying away from the heat when the temperature hits. Hydrate yourself and avoid physical activity at peak times. Especially among the most vulnerable, but all in general. Its effects on our body are proportionally harmful to the temperature.