The concept of a multiverse is a theory that has emerged in the field of theoretical physics and cosmology. Rather than considering our universe to be single and isolated, the idea of the multiverse suggests the existence of multiple universes, each with its own physical laws and initial conditions. In simple terms, we could visualize the meaning of multiverse as a vast set of bubbles or domains, where each bubble represents an independent universe. These universes coexist, but may have different fundamental properties, such as varying physical constants or even additional spatial dimensions.
In this article we are going to tell you the meaning of multiverse, its characteristics and importance for science.
Meaning of multiverse
The concept of a multiverse, as depicted in several films, including "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness," raises the question of its plausibility. To what extent can this idea be considered realistic?
There are multiple theories about the concept of a multiverse. In 1895, psychologist William James was the first to use the term "multiverse." Since then, the notion has evolved into a rich scientific hypothesis proposing the existence of multiple universes, each with its own laws and unique physical properties. Despite their wide acceptance, all theories related to the multiverse have yet to be tested by experimentation and remain a major topic of scientific research and controversy.
Physicist Hugh Everett introduced the many-worlds theory in the 1950s, which has become one of the most renowned theories. The theory proposes that the universe splits into two parallel universes every time a quantum measurement is made. In one of these universes, the measurement result is one, while in the other universe, the result is the opposite.
While there is no experimental proof of the theory, it has been used to illuminate some of the more peculiar facets of quantum physics, such as quantum entanglement and tunneling. According to the theory of eternal inflation, the universe experienced a brief period of rapid expansion, commonly called inflation, shortly after the Big Bang.
The theory postulates that the expansion of the universe would have generated numerous bubble universes, each with its unique laws and physical characteristics. Backed by experts such as Stephen Hawking, the concept of perpetual inflation proposes that our universe, viewed on a larger scale, resembles an infinite fractal, composed of a multitude of distinct pocket universes that are separated by a vast expanse of inflationary space.
Importance of string theory in the meaning of multiverse
String theory is a theoretical framework of physics that attempts to reconcile the two pillars of modern physics, quantum mechanics and general relativity. It postulates that the fundamental components of the universe are not particles, but rather one-dimensional objects known as strings. These strings vibrate at different frequencies, which gives rise to different properties of the particles such as mass and charge. Although it remains a highly speculative idea, string theory has generated great interest among physicists and the general public due to its potential to provide a unified explanation of the universe at its most fundamental level.
The concept of string theory postulates that subatomic particles, including quarks and electrons, are not tiny, singular points, but tiny oscillating strings. These ropes are significantly smaller than anything that has been detectable up to this point.
String theory proposes the possibility of other dimensions in addition to the three spatial dimensions and one temporal dimension that we observe in our daily lives. These extra dimensions can be compressed or rolled up to minuscule scales, making them invisible to the naked eye. However, they still have an impact on the qualities of the particles and the forces acting on them.
The theory postulates that there are precisely 11 dimensions. According to this theory, supergravity interacts with membranes that exist within a range of dimensions, specifically between 2 and 5 dimensions.
The implication of this idea is that there may be an untold number of parallel universes, each with varying degrees of similarity to our own universe. Some of these universes may differ in minor ways, while others may exist with up to 4 or 5 dimensions.
Existence of branes
The scientific community refers to these alternative planes of existence as "branes" or "membranes." This theory also provides an explanation for the relatively low gravity power. The graviton, which It is the medium through which gravity acts, it can only pass between the branes. As a result, the power of the graviton decreases as it passes through it, leading to the weak gravitational force observed.
Some theorists have proposed the concept that black holes serve as gateways to alternative universes. While the idea is controversial, it suggests that these astronomical phenomena could lead to completely different realms.
Experts have proposed the idea that a black hole It is not just a gravitational force that traps everything within its attraction. They propose that it could even serve as a gateway to another universe or dimension. The concept suggests that as matter approaches a black hole's event horizon, it splits into two distinct components: one that plunges into the black hole and another that remains beyond it.
Material that enters a black hole is absorbed and cannot be observed again. However, the material left outside the black hole is trapped in the event horizon. According to this hypothesis, This material could be transferred to another universe or dimension.
Although these notions are highly speculative and impractical to verify experimentally, they serve to build possible avenues of research. In addition, they facilitate the creation of exceptional films such as "Everything at once everywhere."
I hope that with this information you can learn more about the meaning of the multiverse and its characteristics.