Research into the existence of extraterrestrial life has captivated human curiosity for centuries. However, it was not until 1995 that the discovery of the first exoplanet orbiting a star similar to our Sun sparked a rapid expansion in the field of astronomy dedicated to the study of these celestial bodies. Today, exoplanet exploration is one of the most rapidly advancing areas within the discipline. The strangest exoplanets that exist are those that have unique characteristics and are further away.
In this article we are going to tell you which are the strangest exoplanets that exist and their characteristics.
What are exoplanets
NASA is very focused on the study of exoplanets, which are planets located outside our Solar System and also known as "extrasolar planets." Currently, more than four thousand exoplanets have been officially identified, each of which displays unique characteristics that differentiate them from each other.
The European Space Agency, ESA, states that while some exoplanets are as large as Jupiter, they have orbits much closer to their parent star than Mercury does to the Sun. On the other hand, there are rocky or icy exoplanets, and some that have no equivalents. comparable in our solar system.
In contrast, there are systems that support multiple planets, in which these planets orbit two stars simultaneously, and a select few of these planets have the potential to support stable water on their surfaces, a crucial component for life such as Earth. we understand.
How are they detected?
Exploration and identification of extrasolar planets can be achieved through several approaches. One such technique involves studying the behavior of stars, known as the wobbly star method. This method suggests that when a star has planets orbiting around it, The gravitational pull causes the star to deviate from its regular orbit, resulting in a noticeable wobble. Although this method allows additional planets to be detected by observing the movement of the star, it is somewhat subjective since the ease or difficulty of observing these oscillations depends on the size of the planet.
In the case of exoplanets that are similar in size to Jupiter, the star can easily be observed to undergo specific motions corresponding to the planet's orbit. On the other hand, detecting the star's subtle oscillations is a challenge when dealing with exoplanets of similar dimensions to those of Earth.
Another approach, known as transit, involves empirical observation of a specific phenomenon. A transit occurs when a planet crosses in front of its star, causing a slight decrease in the star's brightness as the planet partially obscures its light.
By closely monitoring the fluctuation in a star's luminosity during a transit, astronauts gain valuable information about the planet's size and its proximity to the star. This knowledge plays a fundamental role in the search for extraterrestrial life, as it provides crucial data about the planet's habitable zone, where conditions such as temperature and the possible existence of liquid water, a vital component for life, can be determined.
The strangest exoplanets
NASA began launching a spacecraft called Kepler in 2009 with the purpose of exploring exoplanets. Kepler diligently searched for planets with various characteristics, such as different sizes and orbital patterns, orbiting stars of different magnitudes and temperatures. While the spacecraft has successfully detected thousands of exoplanets, A subset of these celestial bodies continues to captivate scientists with their enigmatic nature. A visit to NASA's website, dedicated exclusively to observing exoplanets discovered by Kepler, will provide a glimpse of these fascinating discoveries.
Kepler 36B and 36C
Within the same star system, Kepler 36, there is a fascinating pair of exoplanets that differ greatly from each other. Despite their disparities, both planets orbit very close to their host star. What makes this provision intriguing is the fact that, while Kepler-36B, a planet 1,5 times the size of Earth, completes an orbit in just 14 days, Kepler-36C is a scorching Neptune that has a mass eight times that of Earth and a diameter 3,7 times that of our own planet.
The unique nature of these two planets lies not only in their contrasting sizes, but also in their distinct compositions: one is a solid rocky planet and the other resembles an ice giant similar to Neptune. This combination, along with their positions relative to each other, presents an intriguing case study. While planet 36B experiences intense tidal forces that are likely to result in periodic volcanic activity, Kepler planet 36C occupies a completely different location with its own distinctive temperature. That's why NASA's renderings of the conjunction between these two exoplanets every 97 days are so visually stunning and inspiring.
Kepler 16B
The first exoplanet ever detected in orbit around a binary star, formed by an orange dwarf and a red dwarf, has been identified. It is one of the strangest exoplanets that exist. Located 200 light years away, this exoplanet is about the same size as Saturn. NASA scientists have estimated that Its surface temperature ranges between -73° and -101° degrees Celsius due to the relatively smaller nature and less intense of its twin suns compared to ours.
It is interesting to note that this exoplanet was detected by Kepler while transiting in front of its binary stars, which evokes thoughts of the iconic Tatooine scene from the Star Wars saga, where two suns can be seen during sunset.
Kepler 452B
Kepler 452B undoubtedly stands out as the exoplanet that invites us to reflect on the possible presence of intelligent beings beyond our own world. This celestial body, presented on July 23, 2015, It is similar in size to Earth and has a hospitable environment.
The "Earth's cousin" designation has been given to an exoplanet known as Kepler 452, which orbits a Sun-like star and lies within the habitable zone. This particular celestial body is just one of the numerous exoplanets documented by NASA. Each of these exoplanets possesses unique attributes and offers a multitude of intriguing options for exploration. To delve deeper into the enigmatic world of these planetary bodies, you can visit the website of the esteemed National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States.
I hope that with this information you can learn more about the strangest exoplanets and their characteristics.