What is the largest planet in the Universe

What is the largest planet in the universe?

Among the countless celestial entities that populate the Universe, there must inevitably be one planet that surpasses all others in size. Many people want to know what is the largest planet in the universe known and what characteristics they have.

Therefore, in this article we are going to tell you which is the largest planet in the universe and what its characteristics are.

How to know which is the largest planet in the universe

ROXs 42Bb huge planet

According to the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), there are approximately one billion identified galaxies in the Universe. Within each of these galaxies there are numerous solar systems, each with its own collection of planets. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that among this wide range of stars and planets, there must exist a planet that surpasses all others in size, at least within the observable Universe.

The coveted title of the largest planet in our Solar System was held by Jupiter until 1992. However, the discovery of the first exoplanet that year opened up the competition to a wide range of potential contenders, all of which could easily dethrone our beloved gas giant.

The specialized site Live Science suggests that when considering the issue, there are two measurements that determine the largest planet in the Universe: diameter and mass.

While there is a connection between the two, it is not always a simple correlation. Let's take as an example the exoplanet HAT-P-67 b, which has a radius approximately twice that of Jupiter. Surprisingly, this celestial body has a remarkably low density, resulting in a mass that is only one-third that of Jupiter. Solène Ulmer-Moll, an exoplanet researcher at the University of Geneva, provided this information to Live Science.

Currently, the largest planets in existence are known to have a mass approximately 13 times that of Jupiter. A notable member of this category is HD 39091 b, located approximately 60 light years from our planet, with a mass that exceeds that of the largest celestial body in our Solar System by a factor of 12.

What is the largest planet in the universe

ROXs 42Bb

Based on the findings of Andrea Fischer, a journalist originally from Mexico and affiliated with National Geographic en Español, It has been determined that ROXs 42Bb, a celestial body, holds the distinction of being the most colossal entity within our current knowledge of the Universe. With a size that is two and a half times that of Jupiter, and potentially even larger, it should be noted that the measurements obtained may not be entirely accurate.

Andrea Fischer explains that one of the techniques used to determine its diameter consists of measuring the amount of light it obstructs during its transit through its central star. However, it is clear that in the distance there could be giants slightly larger than the current title holder.

ROXs 42Bb, the exoplanet discovered so far, It exceeds Jupiter by at least 2,5 times in size, making it the largest known exoplanet.

ROXs 42Bb

What is the largest planet in the known universe?

ROXs 42Bb, the largest planet on record in the Universe, surpasses even Jupiter, the colossal gas giant that reigns among our neighboring planets. At 11 times the size of Earth, Jupiter's position as the supreme colossus remains indisputable. However, in the vastness of the cosmos, the fifth planet in our Solar System pales in comparison to the magnificence of ROX 42Bb. Unfortunately, our knowledge about this extraordinary celestial body is limited to these few details.

In the vast expanse of the Universe, there are objects of such immense size and variety that they dwarf even the largest planets in our own Solar System. An example is UY Scuti, the colossal star that holds the title of being the largest in existence. In comparison, our Sun would appear tiny, similar to a simple insect in its presence.

It is not unexpected, given these circumstances, that the celestial body known as ROXs 42Bb exceeds Jupiter, the largest gaseous planet in our Solar System, in size by a factor of two and a half. It is even possible that this estimate falls short, as measurements of this colossal entity may be somewhat unreliable. One method used to determine its diameter, for example, involves observing the amount of light it obstructs during its transit through its parent star.

Jupiter-like ROX 42Bb belongs to the category of gas giants. However, its mass is more than nine times that of the fifth planet in our Solar System. NASA scientists used variations in planetary velocity to calculate its mass, allowing them to determine additional properties of this celestial body.

Some features of ROXs 42Bb

These are some of the characteristics of the largest planet in the universe currently recorded:

  • Its orbit covers an impressive distance of 157 astronomical units.
  • The orbital period of ROXs 42Bb around Its star is approximately 1968,3 years old, completing a full cycle in that time.
  • The main star of this celestial body belongs to type M, which indicates that it emits remarkably dim light.

It was discovered in 2013 and was named ROXs 42Bb. Located about 488 light years away, it eclipses Earth by a factor of 22. Accessible only through state-of-the-art telescopic equipment, this colossal entity was detected very close to the Ophiuchus constellation. To date, no other exoplanet has emerged that can rival its immense proportions, solidifying its status as the reigning size champion within the observable cosmos.

As you can see, our universe constantly gives us new information that makes us have to update all the data we have. The same thing, we currently believe that ROXs 42Bb is the largest planet in the universe and, however, within a few years it will be discovered that there is another planet even larger. All this is achieved with the advancement of technology.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about which is the largest planet in the universe and its characteristics.

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