The proposed Big Bang theory is the best-known explanation of the origin of our Universe. This model suggests that space was compressed, resulting in a smaller, denser, and hotter state. During this state, which existed approximately 13.800 billion years ago, all the fundamental elements that contribute to our existence were created. However, many people wonder What was there before the Big Bang?.
Therefore, in this article we are going to tell you what was there before the Big Bang and what theories support it.
What is the Big Bang
The first thing of all is to know what the Big Bang is. It is the scientific theory that explains the origin and evolution of the universe as we know it. According to this theory, the universe began to exist approximately 13.8 billion years ago in an extremely hot and dense state. In that initial moment, All the matter and energy that constitutes the current universe was concentrated in an infinitesimal point, a singularity.
As time progressed, this point underwent explosive expansion and became the expanding universe we know today. During this expansion, the temperature decreased and the matter cooled, allowing the formation of atoms, and later, stars and galaxies. This process of expansion and cooling continues today.
What was there before the Big Bang?
Despite this widely accepted theory, scientific research has delved even deeper, reflecting on what existed before the Big Bang. For those familiar with the topic, It may seem implausible to question events that occurred before the birth of our Universe, as we currently understand it. This is because, according to this theory, all the components of the cosmos were compressed into a body no larger than a peach, at a temperature greater than a thousand billion degrees. However, there are several hypotheses that seek to clarify what existed before this crucial event.
These theories have presented significant challenges to physics, as mentioned above by the aforementioned source. The complexity of the question lies in the fact that mathematics seems to have reached a dead end in this search. However, The reality has proven to be quite different. Let us develop it.
During a recent interview conducted by National Geographic En Español, Dr. Vladimir Ávila-Reese, a researcher at the Astronomy Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), described the three main principles of the Big Bang theory.
- The universe lacks points that are considered privileged, being the properties of space-time and the physicality of matter and energy equivalent in any given position and direction on average.
- The universe is not static, as it began from a state of singularity and has been in constant motion ever since. Its movement is characterized by expansion or contraction, which is determined by the nature of its material and energetic composition.
- As expansion occurs, the characteristics of both matter and energy undergo a significant transformation. Everything in the past was much closer, denser, hotter and more energetic than the present.
The question of what was there before the Big Bang remains a mystery to scientists and scholars alike. Understanding the origins of the universe suggests that any event before the Big Bang is beyond our understanding and the limits of our current scientific knowledge.
ecpyrotic universe
The term "ecpyrotic universe" refers to a hypothetical cosmological model that suggests that the universe underwent a cyclic process of expansion and contraction, in which each cycle began with a "big bang" and ended in a "big crunch." This theory postulates that the end of each cycle results in the universe being reduced to a high-energy state, called the "ecpyrotic state," from which a new cycle begins.
The initial proposition has its origin in the ecpyrotic Universe, which is a cosmological model that explains the beginning and structure of the universe. This model benefits from advances made in string theory.
According to this model, the Big Bang could simply be the consequence of a more extensive process. Essentially, this theory suggests that the universe consists of repetitive evolutionary patterns. Besides, This concept leads to the possibility of the existence of parallel universes.
The hypothesis in question is strongly intertwined with string theory, which has not yet gained full recognition within the scientific community. Several concepts proposed by this theory, including multi-dimensionality, branes, and orbit, are still being debated and remain unresolved.
Although it has previously been claimed that the ecpyrotic Universe theory has been largely discarded, recent research suggests otherwise. Physicists Robert Brandenberger and Ziwei Wang of McGill University in Canada published a paper in 2020 indicating that there is still much to explore regarding this theory before it can be completely ruled out. This is due to the fact that when the Universe contracts to an incredibly tiny point and returns to a Big Bang-like state, there is the possibility of a more detailed examination and a more comprehensive review.
Stephen Hawking's opinion on what was before the Big Bang
Stephen Hawking was a renowned physicist who had a unique ability to explain complex scientific concepts to a lay audience. He was able to do it using simple language and analogies that anyone could understand. Hawking's explanations were not only accessible but also accurate and informative, making his work highly appreciated among both the scientific community and the general public. Despite his physical limitations due to his medical condition, Hawking's brilliance shone through in his writings and speeches, leaving a lasting impact on the field of physics and beyond.
Stephen Hawking had a different vision of the ecpyrotic Universe. During an interview with American astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, Hawking revealed his opinion on the fundamental question: what was there before the Big Bang?
Hawking postulates that before the Big Bang there was a singularity: a moment in time when the laws of physics stopped applying. The scientist explained that they use a Euclidean approach in their study of quantum gravity and the origins of the Universe. This approach involves viewing the history of the Universe in an imaginary time as a curved surface in the fourth dimension, similar to the Earth's surface but with two additional dimensions.
I hope that with this information you can learn more about what was there before the Big Bang.