When will the sun go out

when the sun will go out and it will be the end

Human beings have always feared the end of the planet. This ending can occur in numerous ways. One of them is through the end of our sun. When will the sun go out It is something that has intrigued numerous people and scientists over the years. There are some studies that indicate when the sun will go out, ending all life on Earth.

In this article we are going to tell you when the sun will go out and what studies there are about it.

Sun characteristics

when the sun went out

The Sun's atmosphere is divided into three distinct regions: the photosphere, the chromosphere, and the solar corona. The photosphere is the visible surface layer of the Sun and is located at the bottom of the atmosphere. Above the photosphere are the chromosphere and corona, which also radiate visible light. However, these regions can only be observed during solar eclipses, when the Moon passes in front of the Sun, blocking its bright light.

The cycles of the Sun have been the subject of much scientific research. These cycles are often characterized by changes in the Sun's magnetic field, which in turn impact a variety of phenomena on Earth, such as solar flares, sunspot formation and changes in the Earth's climate. Despite the complexity of these cycles, scientists continue to study them to better understand the Sun and its effects on our planet.

Although there is more to explore on the topic, scientific research has established that the sun's magnetic field experiences fluctuations in its intensity over time. Specific, it intensifies to its maximum level before subsequently weakening until finally reaching a minimum level of activity.

As the sun's magnetic force reaches its peak, it generates a large number of solar flares, ejecta and sunspots on its surface. After this maximum period of activity, a subsequent decrease in these phenomena occurs for a certain time until they begin to increase again, and the cycle repeats.

Magnetic activity and solar cycles

White dwarf

Previously, it was widely accepted that the Sun experiences alternating periods of turbulence and tranquility approximately every 11 years. This cyclic phenomenon is linked to the magnetic activity of the Sun and is observed from Earth through the study of sunspots and solar flares.

Scientists have been discussing a change in solar activity for more than ten years that could lead to a period of low activity known as solar minimum, marking the sun's approach to dormancy. This period has been compared to the most notable solar minimum in recorded history, the Maunder Minimum, which extended from 1645 to 1715. During this time, Europe experienced the Little Ice Age, the coldest era ever recorded.

Science has an unprecedented opportunity to unlock the secrets of the Sun with possible changes in the solar cycle. However, scientists diligently observe the behavior of the Sun, as its eruptions have the potential to cause chaos in our communication systems and electrical grids, the very basis of the technology of our contemporary society.

Solar wind and eruptions

death of the sun

The solar wind and flares are two closely related phenomena in space science. The solar wind is a constant stream of charged particles, mostly electrons and protons, emanating from the Sun's upper corona. Eruptions, on the other hand, They are sudden explosions of energy and matter that originate from the surface and corona of the Sun. These eruptions can have significant effects on Earth, including solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and geomagnetic storms. Understanding the relationship between solar wind and flares is essential to predict and mitigate their potential impacts on our planet.

In addition to emitting light, the Sun also emits a constant stream of charged particles called wind and solar heat. this wind It moves at a speed of approximately 450 kilometers per second throughout the solar system. Periodically, certain particles can detonate in a solar flare, which can lead to disruption of communication systems and power supply to Earth via satellites.

Typically, flares come from sunspots, which are cold areas of the photosphere that correspond to the Sun's internal magnetic field. The Sun, like other energy sources, is not eternal. It has existed for 4.500 billion years and almost half of the hydrogen in its core has been consumed. Consequently, in approximately five billion years it will be exhausted and helium will become its main fuel.

After assimilating Earth and other planets, the Sun will be about to expand and grow to almost 100 times its current volume. Once it becomes a red giant, it will continue to burn for about a billion years before it finally explodes and becomes an Earth-sized white dwarf.

When will the sun go out

Based on calculations made with data from the Gaia space probe, scientists from the European Space Agency (ESA) have determined the date on which planet Earth will meet its inevitable disappearance. This event will occur due to the cessation of the sun's life.

After many calculations, experts have come to the conclusion that the age of the sun is approximately 4.570 billion years, which places it in the middle stage of its existence. It is currently in a phase of relative stability, with its core constantly converting hydrogen into helium. The beginning of the fusion process signifies the maturity of the sun, what scientists call its arrival on the Main Sequence. This period of time will be the longest in the life of the star, since the hydrogen component, which constitutes 70% of its total mass, will power the nuclear reactor for approximately 10.000 billion years, according to Rafael Bachiller of the National Astronomical Institute.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about when the sun will go out.

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